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Franchise value and ownership history

Franchise name/location history (most to least recent):
  • San Diego Mariners
  • New York Golden Blades
  • New York Raiders

Franchise Valuation and Ownership History
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Value
In today's
Hockey Franchise
Valuation Rank
1971-72 $25,000 $194,122
Dick Wood bought the original WHA franchise for $25,000. He later sold it for $50,000 to Richard Woods and Sy Siegel.
Source(s): Book: The Rebel League / The Sporting News
1973-74 $1,750,000 $12,391,892
After the league took over the franchise following financial difficulties during the 1972-73, it sold the team prior to the 1973-74 season to a New York syndicate for between $1.5M and $2M.
Source(s): The Sporting News