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Franchise value and ownership history

Franchise name/location history (most to least recent):
  • Acadie-Bathurst Titan
  • Laval Titan
  • Laval Voisins
  • Laval National

Franchise Valuation and Ownership History
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Value
In today's
Hockey Franchise
Valuation Rank
1975-76 $49,150 $287,119
Value in Canadian currency: $50,000. Nick Alfara, representing the Centre Laval shopping mall, allegedly offered $C 50,000 to buy the Laval National.
Source(s): La Presse
1979-80 $85,400 $369,933
Value in Canadian currency: $100,000. In July 1979, Claude Fournel purchased the Laval National for more than $100,000.
Source(s): La Presse