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Franchise value and ownership history

Franchise name/location history (most to least recent):
  • Washington Capitals

Franchise Valuation and Ownership History
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Value
In today's
Hockey Franchise
Valuation Rank
1974-75 $6,000,000 $38,255,932
NHL Franchise Fee of $6M to start in 1974-75.
Source(s): Book: Icing on the Plains
1991-92 $40,000,000 $92,341,582 17
Source(s): Financial World
1992-93 $45,000,000 $100,826,682 19
Source(s): Financial World
1993-94 $47,000,000 $102,289,907 20
Source(s): Financial World
1994-95 $59,000,000 $125,149,103 15
Source(s): Financial World
1995-96 $70,000,000 $144,428,403 16
Source(s): Financial World
1996-97 $85,000,000 $170,379,343 14
Source(s): Financial World
1998-99 $85,000,000 $163,940,863 23
In the Spring of 1999, Ted Leonsis purchased the team for $85M. (The franchise was valued at $178M by Forbes.)
Source(s): The Hockey News - Money & Power 2021 / CNBC
1999-00 $145,000,000 $273,670,309 12
Source(s): Forbes
2000-01 $134,000,000 $244,655,052 16
Source(s): Forbes
2001-02 $138,000,000 $245,028,520 17
Source(s): Forbes
2002-03 $140,000,000 $244,696,464 16
Source(s): Forbes
2003-04 $130,000,000 $222,178,735 18
Source(s): Forbes
2004-05 $115,000,000 $191,423,126 23
Source(s): Forbes
2006-07 $127,000,000 $198,069,349 30
Source(s): Forbes
2007-08 $145,000,000 $219,870,744 29
Source(s): Forbes
2008-09 $160,000,000 $233,646,075 26
Source(s): Forbes
2009-10 $183,000,000 $268,179,360 19
Source(s): Forbes
2010-11 $197,000,000 $284,035,587 16
Source(s): Forbes / Book: Sports Economics
2011-12 $225,000,000 $314,483,862 12
Source(s): Forbes
2012-13 $250,000,000 $342,349,405 11
Source(s): Forbes
2013-14 $412,000,000 $556,030,220 12
Source(s): Forbes
2014-15 $500,000,000 $664,019,600 11
Source(s): Forbes
2015-16 $565,000,000 $749,455,742 10
Source(s): Forbes
2016-17 $575,000,000 $753,218,616 10
Source(s): Forbes
2017-18 $625,000,000 $801,648,172 11
Source(s): Forbes
2018-19 $725,000,000 $907,729,680 10
Source(s): Forbes
2019-20 $775,000,000 $953,062,661 9
Source(s): Forbes
2020-21 $750,000,000 $911,128,284 9
Source(s): Forbes
2021-22 $930,000,000 $1,078,937,269 11
According to Graeme Roustan, in The Hockey News, the value of the franchise without the arena was between $1B and $1.49B.
Source(s): Forbes
2022-23 $1,200,000,000 $1,288,964,810 9
According to Graeme Roustan, in The Hockey News, the value of the franchise without the arena was $1.5B. It was $1.22B according to Sportico.
Source(s): Forbes
2023-24 $1,600,000,000 $1,650,935,346 9
According to Graeme Roustan, in The Hockey News, the value of the franchise without the arena was $1.75B. It was $1.42B according to Sportico.
Source(s): Forbes
2024-25 $2,100,000,000 $2,100,000,000 9
Source(s): CNBC