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Franchise value and ownership history

Franchise name/location history (most to least recent):
  • Rochester Americans

Franchise Valuation and Ownership History
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Value
In today's
Hockey Franchise
Valuation Rank
1966-67 $371,200 $3,596,465
Value in Canadian currency: $400,000. The AHL team was sold by Maple Leafs Garden Limited to a group of investors, led by Robert W. Clarke, that included Punch Imlach and Joe Crozier for $C 400,000. (According other editions of The Hockey News, it was for $500,000.)
Source(s): Inside Hockey 1969-70 / Book: '67 / Book: The Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Club / The Hockey News
1968-69 $750,000 $6,779,758
On August 13, 1968, the Clarke group sold the franchise to the Vancouver Canucks for $750,000.
Source(s): The Hockey News
1971-72 $700,000 $5,435,416
The franchise was valued at $700,000 by the Hockey News as it was for sale.
Source(s): The Hockey News