Launched in April 1999, HockeyZonePlus has been featured multiple times in the media over the years, including in:
- Bleacher Report
- Branchez-Vous!
- Buffalo News
- CHOI 98.1 FM
- Dallas News
- Globetrotter
- Edmonton Journal
- efni CONNECT
- FiveThirtyEight
- Guide Internet
- Houston Press
- Ilta-Sanomat
- Iltalehti
- Internet Today on ZDTV
- J.R.: My Life as the Most Outspoken, Fearless, and Hard-Hitting Man in Hockey
- Le Journal de Montréal
- Le Journal de Québec
- Minneapolis-St.Paul Star Tribune
- Montreal Gazette
- Planète Québec
- Radio Canada
- San Antonio Express-News
- Seattle Times
- Site-Du-Jour.Com
- Sportsnet
- Sportz Nutz
- St. Louis Post Dispatch
- The Athletic
- The Tennessean
- Toile du Québec
- Toronto Star
- Trifecta Sports
- TVA Nouvelles
- USA Today
- Vintage Tendy Magazine
- WEBdiffuseur