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Hockey Fortune: $1,426,515


Rick Wamsley’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $1,426,515 (US $3,548,503 in today's dollars), ranking #3360 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: 25-May-59
Country of birth: Canada
Position: G
NHL Draft:
Salary History - Rick Wamsley
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1983-84 $121,650 $384,004
Amount in Canadian currency: $150,000 .
Source(s): The Sporting News
1984-85 $150,000 $453,985
Source(s): The Sporting News
1989-90 $211,250 $535,751 170
Amount in Canadian currency: $250,000 .
Source(s): Canadian Press
1990-91 $265,000 $637,655 137
One-way contract.
Source(s): The Hockey News / Canadian Press
1991-92 $244,440 $564,299 260
Amount in Canadian currency: $280,000 .
1992-93 $434,175 $972,809 162
Amount in Canadian currency: $525,000 .
Amount includes salary and any signing bonus paid in 1992-93. Retired as a pro hockey player after the season.
Source(s): The Hockey News
Career Total: US $1,426,515
(In today's dollars: US $3,548,503 )

NHL Rank: 3360
(In today's dollars: 2764)