Brad Richards
Hockey Fortune:
Brad Richards’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $101,861,507 (US $145,037,748 in today's dollars), ranking #25 in NHL / hockey career earnings. Currently under contract for US $1,055,556 for a projected hockey fortune of US $102,917,063 .
Country of birth: CanadaPosition: C
NHL Draft:
- Year: 1998
- Round #3
- Overall Pick: 64
- By: Tampa Bay Lightning
Did you know that Gary Bettman has accumulated the largest NHL fortune with $167M? Info about the franchise value evolution and ownership history of NHL/hockey teams. |
Salary History - Brad Richards All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted. |
Season | Earnings (US$) |
In today's US$ |
Rank | |
2000-01 | $975,000 | $1,780,139 | 317 | |
Includes base salary, bonuses paid in 2000-01, and deferred income paid in 2000-01. | ||||
Source(s): The Hockey News / The Hockey News Ultimate Fantasy Guide 2000-01 | ||||
2001-02 | $975,000 | $1,731,180 | 365 | |
2002-03 | $975,000 | $1,704,136 | 403 | |
Does not include signing bonuses, performance bonuses and deferred payments. | ||||
Source(s): La Presse | ||||
2003-04 | $2,400,000 | $4,101,761 | 175 | |
2004-05 | NHL lockout year: Season cancelled - no NHL salary paid. | |||
2004-05 | $1,500,000 | $2,496,823 | 5 | |
With Kazan Ak-Bars of the Russian Superleague to play from late November to the end of the season. He was scheduled to earn $2.6M in the NHL. | ||||
Source(s): Sports Illustrated / Monthly Labor Review - Bureau of Labor Statistics / Book: Lockouts and Work Stoppages in Professional Sports | ||||
2005-06 | $3,401,000 | $5,475,316 | 72 | |
Source(s): La Presse | ||||
2006-07 | $7,800,000 | $12,164,889 | 3 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2007-08 | $7,800,000 | $11,827,530 | 7 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2008-09 | $7,800,000 | $11,390,246 | 12 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2009-10 | $7,800,000 | $11,430,596 | 13 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2010-11 | $7,800,000 | $11,246,079 | 14 | |
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2011-12 | $12,000,000 | $16,772,473 | 1 | |
Prior to the season, as a free agent, signed a nine-year contract with the New York Rangers for $60M. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA / Book: Hockey Facts & Stats | ||||
2012-13 | $7,024,390 | $9,619,183 | 6 | |
Because of the lockout, his NHL salary of $12,000,000 was prorated for the 48-game season. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2013-14 | $9,000,000 | $12,146,291 | 9 | |
On June 20, 2014, the New York Rangers bought out the six years left on his contract for two-third of remaining money to be paid over twice the remaining term of the contract. With $19M in salary and $8M of signing bonus left on his contract, two-third of the $19M was to be aid in equal yearly payments of $1,055,556 over the following 12 seasons while the full $8M bonuses was to be paid in equal payments of $2,666,667 over the following three seasons. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA | ||||
2014-15 | $5,722,223 | $7,599,336 | 92 | |
On July 1, 2014, as a free agent, signed a one-year contract with the Chicago Blackhawks for $2M. Earned his $2M salary plus $1,055,556 for his 2013-14 salary buyout plus $2,666,667 for his 2013-14 bonus buyout. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA / ESPN / CBC | ||||
2015-16 | $6,722,223 | $8,916,829 | 56 | |
On July 15, 2015, as a free agent, signed a one-year contract with the Detroit Red Wings for $3M. Retired as a pro-hockey player after the season. Earned his $3M salary plus $1,055,556 for his 2013-14 salary buyout plus $2,666,667 for his 2013-14 bonus buyout. | ||||
Source(s): NHLPA / CBC | ||||
2016-17 | $3,722,223 | $4,875,909 | 258 | |
Earned $1,055,556 for his 2013-14 salary buyout plus $2,666,667 for his 2013-14 bonus buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
2017-18 | $1,055,556 | $1,353,895 | 462 | |
Earned $1,055,556 for his 2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
2018-19 | $1,055,556 | $1,321,599 | 580 | |
Earned $1,055,556 for his 2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
2019-20 | $1,055,556 | $1,298,079 | 590 | |
Earned $1,055,556 for his 2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
2020-21 | $1,055,556 | $1,282,329 | 535 | |
Earned $1,055,556 for his 2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the NHL played a 56-game season instead of 82. Base salaries were not pro-rated but 10% of $1,055,556 was deferred and payable in three yearly payments, starting in October 2022, without interests. Escrow for the season was increased to 20% and performance bonuses were pro-rated (amounts and targets to reach). | ||||
2021-22 | $1,055,556 | $1,224,601 | 550 | |
Earned $1,055,556 for his 2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
2022-23 | $1,055,556 | $1,133,812 | 601 | |
2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
2023-24 | $1,055,556 | $1,089,159 | 571 | |
2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
2024-25 | $1,055,556 | $1,055,556 | 580 | |
2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
Career Total: US $101,861,507 (In today's dollars: US $145,037,748 ) NHL Rank: 25 (In today's dollars: 22) |
Under Contract | ||||
2025-26 | $1,055,556 | |||
2013-14 salary buyout. | ||||
Source(s): CBC | ||||
Under contract for: US $1,055,556 Projected fortune at end of contract: US $102,917,063 |