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Hockey Fortune: $118,900


Gilles Marotte’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $118,900 (US $907,690 in today's dollars), ranking #5680 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: January 7, 1945
Salary History - Gilles Marotte
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1967-68 $12,000 $113,094
After being traded from Boston to Chicago during the summer, the Blackhawks offered $12,000 for the season and Marotte turned it down. He ended up playing for the team and it is assumed that he earned at least $12,000.
Source(s): Copy of contract offer
1971-72 $32,350 $251,194
Signed a three-year, one-way contract with the Los Angeles Kings: $29,000, $32,000 and $35,000. Bonuses for each season: $1,000 if the team was in 1st of 2nd place on November 30; $1,000 if the team was in 1st of 2nd place on January 31; $1,000 if the team was in 1st of 2nd place at the end of the season; $500 if the team was in rd place on November 30; $500 if the team was in 3rd place on January 31; $500 if the team was in 3rd place at the end of the season; $1,000 if he was named NHL MVP; $4,000 if named on the 1st All Star Team; $2,500 if names on 2nd All Star Team; $5,000 if best +/- record for a defenseman on the team; $2,500 if second best +/- record for a defenseman on the team; $50 per shutout; $1,000 if he met weight targets set by coach; $1,000 for good conduct at discretion of coach; and $1,250 moving expenses. Earned $100 bonus for team shutouts; $1,250 moving expenses; and it is assumed that he earned the $2,000 for good conduct and weight control.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1972-73 $35,500 $266,887
Earned $250 bonus for team shutouts; $1,250 moving expenses; and it is assumed that he earned the $2,000 for good conduct and weight control.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1973-74 $39,050 $276,516
Earned $500 bonus as the team finished 3rd in its division and $300 for team shutouts; $1,250 moving expenses; and it is assumed that he earned the $2,000 for good conduct and weight control.
Source(s): Copy of contract
Career Total: US $118,900
(In today's dollars: US $907,690 )

NHL Rank: 5680
(In today's dollars: 4439)

Contract(s) (click to enlarge)