Harry Neale
Hockey Fortune:
Harry Neale’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $1,011,400 (US $4,547,950 in today's dollars), ranking #3657 in NHL / hockey career earnings.
Birthdate: 9-Mar-37Country of birth: Canada
Did you know that Gary Bettman has accumulated the largest NHL fortune with $167M? Info about the franchise value evolution and ownership history of NHL/hockey teams. |
Salary History - Harry Neale All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted. |
Season | Earnings (US$) |
In today's US$ |
Rank |
1972-73 | $85,000 | $639,024 | |
As coach of the Minnesota Fighting Saints of the WHA. Estimated salary based on his documented salary, in 1974-75, with the same team. | |||
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus | |||
1973-74 | $85,000 | $601,892 | |
As coach of the Minnesota Fighting Saints of the WHA. Estimated salary based on his documented salary, in 1974-75, with the same team. | |||
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus | |||
1974-75 | $85,000 | $541,959 | |
As coach of the Minnesota Fighting Saints of the WHA. | |||
Source(s): Book: Don Cherry's Hockey Stories | |||
1975-76 | $85,000 | $496,544 | |
As coach of the Minnesota Fighting Saints of the WHA. Estimated salary based on his documented salary, in 1974-75, with the same team. | |||
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus | |||
1978-79 | $65,775 | $317,027 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $75,000 . | |||
Prior to the season, signed a three-year contract as coach of the Vancouver Canucks for C $75,000 per season. (Was for $60,000 per season according to another edition of The Hockey News.) | |||
Source(s): The Sporting News / The Hockey News | |||
1979-80 | $64,050 | $277,450 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $75,000 . | |||
As coach of the Vancouver Canucks. | |||
Source(s): The Sporting News / The Hockey News | |||
1980-81 | $64,125 | $244,641 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $75,000 . | |||
As coach of the Vancouver Canucks. | |||
Source(s): The Sporting News / The Hockey News | |||
1983-84 | $121,650 | $384,004 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $150,000 . | |||
Prior to the season, signed a four-year contract as vice-president and general manager of the Vancouver Canucks. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1984-85 | $115,800 | $350,477 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $150,000 . | |||
As vice-president, general manager, and head coach of the Vancouver Canucks. Late in the season, he either was fired or resigned, depending on the conflicting sources. He had two years left on his contract, at $150,000 each. It is unclear if he was still paid given the possibility that he resigned and also that he got a new job in 1985-86. | |||
Source(s): UPI / The Sporting News / La Presse | |||
1985-86 | $120,000 | $350,730 | |
Prior to the season, signed a two-year contract as coach of the Detroit Red Wings for $120,000 per year. Was fired after the 1985-86 but paid for the duration of the agreement, with a guaranteed contract. Never coached in the NHL again. | |||
Source(s): Book: The Road to Hockeytown | |||
1986-87 | $120,000 | $344,202 | |
Source(s): Book: The Road to Hockeytown | |||
Career Total: US $1,011,400 (In today's dollars: US $4,547,950 ) NHL Rank: 3657 (In today's dollars: 2466) |