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Hockey Fortune: $2,760,546


Steven Finn’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $2,760,546 (US $5,982,811 in today's dollars), ranking #2514 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: 20-Aug-66
Country of birth: Canada
Position: D
NHL Draft:
Salary History - Steven Finn
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1988-89 $109,755 $291,789
Amount in Canadian currency: $135,000 .
Signed a two-year plus one option year, two-way contract, with the Quebec Nordiques for CAN$135,000, CAN$150,000 and CAN$160,000 in the NHL and CAN$50,000 in the minor leagues with a stipulation that as soon as he played 30 NHL games, the contract was becoming a one-way contract. Bonuses included $ 10,000 if the team finished 1st in the division; $ 25,000 for first overall; $ 5,000 if the team made the playoffs; $ 5,000 for winning the first round of the playoffs; $10,000 for winning the 2nd round, $ 10,000 for winning the 3rd round; and $ 25,000 for winning the Stanley Cup. Also included $ 10,000 if he won an individual NHL trophy. He played the whole season in the NHL and did not earn any bonus.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1989-90 $126,750 $321,450 411
Amount in Canadian currency: $150,000 .
Did not earn any bonus.
Source(s): Copy of contract / Canadian Press
1990-91 $158,545 $381,498 376
Amount in Canadian currency: $185,000 .
One-way contract.
Source(s): The Hockey News / Canadian Press
1991-92 $190,314 $439,347 363
Amount in Canadian currency: $218,000 .
1992-93 $310,125 $694,864 272
Amount in Canadian currency: $375,000 .
Signed a two-year plus one option year, one-way contract with the Quebec Nordiques for CAN$350,000, CAN$400,000 and CAN$400,000. Included bonuses for games played, in 1992-93: $ 5,000 for 56 to 60 games; another $ 5,000 for 61 to 65 games; another $ 5,000 for 66 to 70 games; another $ 5,000 for 71 to 75 games; and another $ 5,000 for 76 or more games. For the duration of the contract, he was also to received CAN$25,000 each year that the team reached the second round of the playoffs. He earned a $ 25,000 bonus for playing 80 games. (According to The Hockey New, he earned $ 300,000)
Source(s): Copy of contract
1993-94 $310,000 $674,678 391
Amount in Canadian currency: $400,000 .
Did not earn any bonus.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1994-95 $230,057 $487,991 360
Amount in Canadian currency: $550,000 .
Because of the lockout, his NHL salary of $550,000 was prorated for the 48-game season.
Source(s): Guide Hockey 1995-1996
1995-96 $600,000 $1,237,958 283
Source(s): La Presse
1996-97 $725,000 $1,453,236 284
Source(s): La Presse / Guide Hockey RDS
Career Total: US $2,760,546
(In today's dollars: US $5,982,811 )

NHL Rank: 2514
(In today's dollars: 2147)

Contract(s) (click to enlarge)