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Hockey Fortune: $4,391,437


Joe Mullen’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $4,391,437 (US $10,236,941 in today's dollars), ranking #2024 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Salary History - Joe Mullen
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1984-85 $135,100 $408,889
Earned a base salary of $135,000 plus $40,000 in bonuses.
Source(s): The Sporting News
1985-86 $200,000 $584,550
Prior to the season, signed a one-year plus one-option-year contract with the St. Louis Blues for $200,000 per year. In late February 1986, after being traded to Calgary, signed a multi-year contract with the Flames starting at $250,000.
Source(s): The Sporting News / La Presse
1986-87 $180,000 $516,303
Amount in Canadian currency: $250,000 .
Source(s): The Sporting News
1987-88 $188,500 $521,602
Amount in Canadian currency: $250,000 .
(Earned $310,000 according to another edition of The Sporing News.)
Source(s): The Sporting News
1988-89 $203,250 $540,350
Amount in Canadian currency: $250,000 .
Source(s): The Sporting News
1989-90 $200,000 $507,219 191
Plus $200,000 in deferred payment.
Source(s): Canadian Press
1990-91 $200,000 $481,249 250
One-way contract. (Made $450,000 according to the Canadian Press)
Source(s): The Hockey News
1991-92 $446,000 $1,029,609 82
1992-93 $600,000 $1,344,356 97
Amount includes salary and any signing bonus paid in 1992-93.
Source(s): The Hockey News
1993-94 $739,022 $1,608,393 114
1994-95 $514,886 $1,092,161 120
Because of the lockout, his NHL salary of $901,050 was prorated for the 48-game season.
1995-96 $500,000 $1,031,631 350
Source(s): La Presse
1996-97 $284,679 $570,628 808
Source(s): La Presse
Career Total: US $4,391,437
(In today's dollars: US $10,236,941 )

NHL Rank: 2024
(In today's dollars: 1596)