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Hockey Fortune: $679,480


Clarence Campbell’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $679,480 (US $6,306,403 in today's dollars), ranking #4261 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: 9-Jul-05
Country of birth: Canada
Salary History - Clarence Campbell
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1946-47 $15,000 $241,598
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
His first year as President of the NHL.
Source(s): Book: Net Worth
1947-48 $15,000 $211,290
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1948-49 $15,000 $196,091
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1949-50 $13,515 $178,459
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1950-51 $13,515 $176,532
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1951-52 $14,250 $172,581
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1952-53 $15,315 $181,357
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1953-54 $15,255 $179,229
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1954-55 $15,405 $180,385
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1955-56 $15,210 $178,567
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1956-57 $15,240 $176,286
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1957-58 $15,645 $175,108
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1958-59 $15,450 $168,312
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1959-60 $15,645 $168,741
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1960-61 $15,465 $164,374
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1961-62 $14,805 $155,727
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1962-63 $14,040 $145,923
Amount in Canadian currency: $15,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1946-47.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1963-64 $25,000 $256,695
As President of the NHL. His contract could be cancelled upon two years' notice.
Source(s): The Sporting News / The Hockey News
1964-65 $23,175 $234,888
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1965-66 $23,200 $231,485
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1966-67 $23,200 $224,779
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1967-68 $23,175 $218,412
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1968-69 $23,200 $209,721
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1969-70 $23,225 $199,071
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1970-71 $23,950 $193,969
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1971-72 $24,750 $192,181
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1972-73 $25,225 $189,640
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1973-74 $25,000 $177,027
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1974-75 $25,550 $162,907
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1975-76 $24,575 $143,560
Amount in Canadian currency: $25,000 .
Minimum salary, as President of the NHL, based on his documented salary in 1963-64.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1976-77 $112,500 $621,508
His last year as President of the NHL. (Earned about $110,000 according to the book Net Worth.)
Source(s): The Sporting News
Career Total: US $679,480
(In today's dollars: US $6,306,403 )

NHL Rank: 4261
(In today's dollars: 2093)