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Hockey Fortune: $1,093,214


Dave Keon’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $1,093,214 (US $7,307,354 in today's dollars), ranking #3594 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: 22-Mar-40
Country of birth: Canada
Position: C
Salary History - Dave Keon
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1962-63 $14,976 $155,651
Amount in Canadian currency: $16,000 .
Source(s): The Hockey News
1963-64 $14,832 $152,292
Amount in Canadian currency: $16,000 .
Source(s): The Hockey News
1969-70 $29,031 $248,839
Amount in Canadian currency: $31,250 .
(Earned $35,000 according to The Sporting News and $40,000 according to The Hockey News.)
Source(s): La Presse
1970-71 $71,850 $581,907
Amount in Canadian currency: $75,000 .
Reportedly wanted a $125,000 salary but prior to the season, signed a one-year contract with the Toronto Maple Leafs for $75,000. (According to La Presse, prior to the season he signed a five-year contract with the Toronto Maple Leads for $135,000 per season.)
Source(s): The Sporting News / The Hockey News
1971-72 $133,650 $1,037,776
Amount in Canadian currency: $135,000 .
Source(s): La Presse
1972-73 $126,125 $948,199
Amount in Canadian currency: $125,000 .
In July 1972, signed a letter of intent to join the Ottawa Senators in the new World Hockey Association. In September 1972, despite that letter of intent, signed a three-year contract with the Toronto Maple Leafs for a reported $125,000 per season. (According to La Presse and The Hockey News, earned $135,000.)
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal / The Sporting News
1973-74 $125,000 $885,135
Amount in Canadian currency: $125,000 .
(Earned $135,000 according to La Presse / Earned $100,000 according to the book The Goal of My Life)
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal
1974-75 $127,750 $814,533
Amount in Canadian currency: $125,000 .
(Earned $135,000 according to La Presse and The Hockey News. / Earned $100,000 according to the book The Goal of My Life)
Source(s): The Hockey Research Journal
1975-76 $150,000 $876,254
In August 1975, signed a two-year contract with the Minnesota Fighting Saints of the World Hockey Association for $300,000 overall. (According to The Sporting News, it was for $400,000. According to La Presse, it was a three-year contract for $450,000 overall.)
Source(s): Book: '67
1976-77 $150,000 $828,677
With the Minnesota Fighting Saints and New England Whalers of the World Hockey Association.
Source(s): Book: '67
1977-78 $150,000 $778,089
With the New England Whalers of the World Hockey Association.
Source(s): La Presse
Career Total: US $1,093,214
(In today's dollars: US $7,307,354 )

NHL Rank: 3594
(In today's dollars: 1934)