Vladimir Ruzicka
Hockey Fortune:
Vladimir Ruzicka’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $1,379,375 (US $3,189,340 in today's dollars), ranking #3384 in NHL / hockey career earnings.
Birthdate: June 6, 1963Country of birth: Czech Republic
Position: C
NHL Draft:
- Year: 2007
- Round #4
- Overall Pick: 103
- By: Phoenix Coyotes
Did you know that Gary Bettman has accumulated the largest NHL fortune with $167M? Info about the franchise value evolution and ownership history of NHL/hockey teams. |
Salary History - Vladimir Ruzicka All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted. |
Season | Earnings (US$) |
In today's US$ |
Rank |
1984-85 | $0 | $0 | |
After being drafted 73rd overall in the NHL in 1982, had a four-year plus one option year agreement with the Toronto Maple Leafs for CAN$125,000, CAN$135,000, CAN$145,000, CAN$155,500 and CAN$155,000 plus a CAN$100,000 signing bonus. It is unclear if he signed the agreement and got the signing bonus but, barred from leaving Czechoslovakia by the Communist authorities, he did not join the NHL, with the Edmonton Oilers, until 1989. | |||
Source(s): Copy of agreement | |||
1989-90 | $215,000 | $545,261 | 162 |
Estimated salary based on documented 1990-91 salary. His first season in the NHL | |||
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus | |||
1990-91 | $215,000 | $517,343 | 222 |
One-way contract. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News / Canadian Press | |||
1991-92 | $305,000 | $704,105 | 168 |
1992-93 | $315,000 | $705,787 | 268 |
Amount includes salary and any signing bonus paid in 1992-93. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News / La Presse | |||
1993-94 | $329,375 | $716,845 | 358 |
Amount in Canadian currency: $425,000 . | |||
His last season in the NHL. He played the following 5 years in Czechoslovakia. | |||
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus | |||
Career Total: US $1,379,375 (In today's dollars: US $3,189,340 ) NHL Rank: 3384 (In today's dollars: 2891) |