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Hockey Fortune: $173,313


Lorne Worsley’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $173,313 (US $1,470,876 in today's dollars), ranking #5411 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: May 14, 1929
Country of birth: Canada
Position: G
Salary History - Lorne Worsley
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1952-53 $6,500 $76,972
After the season, in which he won the Calder trophy, he asked for a $500 salary raise and as a response, the Rangers sent him down to the Western Hockey League, a minor pro ice hockey league, for the following season.
Source(s): Book: Between the Pipes
1959-60 $12,000 $129,427
Source(s): The Hockey News
1965-66 $25,984 $259,263
Amount in Canadian currency: $28,000 .
1969-70 $15,329 $131,387
Amount in Canadian currency: $16,500 .
Had a yearly salary of C $25,000 with the Montreal Canadiens and decided to retire on Janary 1, 1970 instead of accepting a demotion to the AHL. In March 1970, he signed a contract for the same amount to finish the season with the Minnesota North Stars. It is estimated that he earned about 66% of his salary for the season, with his 2-month retirement.
Source(s): The Hockey News
1970-71 $39,000 $315,858
Base salary of $35,000 plus bonuses: $500 per win, $250 per tie and $100 per shutout. Ended the season with 4 wins, 8 ties and 0 shutout, earning a bonus of $4,000 and his base salary of $35,000. The team also paid the $3,000 rental cost for a house in Bloomington for 9 months. (Base salary was $38,500 according to La Presse. Earned $37,500 plus bonuses according to The Sporting News. Had a base salary of $60,000 according to Face Off Hockey Yearbook.)
Source(s): The Sporting News / La Presse / The Hockey News
1971-72 $44,500 $345,537
Having won only four of the 24 games he played in 1970-71, his base salary for 1971-72 was trimmed to an unknown amount and he was given performance incentives of $1,000 per win and $500 per tie. He ended up with 16 wins and 7 ties, earning a performance bonus of $19,500. Assuming that his base salary had been trimmed to $25,000, he ended up earning $44,500.
Source(s): The Sporting News / HockeyZonePlus
1972-73 $0 $0
Played for an unknow salary but decided to retired in January 1973.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1973-74 $30,000 $212,432
Prior to the season, came out of retiremend and signed a five-year contract with the Minnesota North Stars for a combination of salary and bonuses worth $150,000 over the duration of the contract. He retired for good, as a pro-hockey player, after the season.
Source(s): The Sporting News
Career Total: US $173,313
(In today's dollars: US $1,470,876 )

NHL Rank: 5411
(In today's dollars: 3914)