Mario Tremblay
Hockey Fortune:
Mario Tremblay’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $1,314,995 (US $4,430,415 in today's dollars), ranking #3416 in NHL / hockey career earnings.
Birthdate: September 2, 1956Country of birth: Canada
Position: RW
NHL Draft:
- Year: 1974
- Round #1
- Overall Pick: 12
- By: Montreal Canadiens
Did you know that Gary Bettman has accumulated the largest NHL fortune with $176M? Info about the franchise value evolution and ownership history of NHL/hockey teams. |
Salary History - Mario Tremblay All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted. |
Season | Earnings (US$) |
In today's US$ |
Rank |
1974-75 | $81,760 | $521,301 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $80,000. | |||
As a rookie drafted in the 1st round, 12th overall in the NHL, signed a three-year contract with the Montreal Canadian for CAN$80,000/season. | |||
Source(s): Book: Mario Tremblay, le bagarreur / La Presse | |||
1975-76 | $78,640 | $459,391 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $80,000. | |||
Source(s): Book: Mario Tremblay, le bagarreur / La Presse | |||
1976-77 | $81,120 | $448,148 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $80,000. | |||
Source(s): Book: Mario Tremblay, le bagarreur / La Presse | |||
1977-78 | $65,800 | $341,322 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $70,000. | |||
Bases salary, not including bonuses, deferred payments and other extras. (Earned $75,000 according to the Globe and Mail.) | |||
Source(s): The Gazette | |||
1982-83 | $141,925 | $462,396 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $175,000. | |||
Signed a 4-year contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$175,000/season. | |||
Source(s): Book: Mario Tremblay, le bagarreur | |||
1983-84 | $141,925 | $448,004 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $175,000. | |||
Source(s): Book: Mario Tremblay, le bagarreur | |||
1984-85 | $135,100 | $408,889 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $175,000. | |||
(Prior to the season, according to La Presse, he signed a three-year contract with the Montreal Canadiens, for approximately C $200,000 per season.) | |||
Source(s): Book: Mario Tremblay, le bagarreur | |||
1985-86 | $164,700 | $481,377 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $225,000. | |||
Renegotiated his contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$225,000 for the season. Retired after the season. | |||
Source(s): Book: Mario Tremblay, le bagarreur | |||
1986-87 | $0 | $0 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximately C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show at CJMS ($65,000) and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1987-88 | $0 | $0 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximately C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show at CJMS ($75,000) and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1988-89 | $0 | $0 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximately C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show at CJMS ($85,000) and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1989-90 | $0 | $0 | 559 |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximatey C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1990-91 | $0 | $0 | 877 |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximatey C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse / Book: Mario Tremblay, le bagarreur | |||
1991-92 | $0 | $0 | 635 |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximatey C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1992-93 | $0 | $0 | 1107 |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximatey C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1993-94 | $0 | $0 | 662 |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximatey C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1994-95 | $0 | $0 | 698 |
Amount in Canadian currency: $0. | |||
Earned approximatey C $180,000 with a daily sports radio show and on hockey game broadcasts on Montreal TV/radio. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1995-96 | $164,025 | $338,427 | 720 |
Amount in Canadian currency: $225,000. | |||
As coach of the Montreal Canadiens. | |||
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus | |||
1996-97 | $260,000 | $521,160 | 860 |
As coach of the Montreal Canadiens. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News | |||
Career Total: US $1,314,995 (In today's dollars: US $4,430,415) NHL Rank: 3416 (In today's dollars: 2478) |