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NHL Fortune: $2,843,173


Brad Park’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $2,843,173 (US $12,770,334 in today's dollars), ranking #2389 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: July 6, 1948
Country of birth: Canada
Position: D
NHL Draft:
Salary History - Brad Park
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1965-66 $1,002 $9,692
Amount in Canadian currency: $1,080.
Earned CAN$45 per week as a junior with the Toronto Marlboros of the Ontario Hockey Association.
Source(s): Book: Straight Shooter: The Brad Park Story / Book: '67
1966-67 $1,225 $11,502
Amount in Canadian currency: $1,320.
Earned CAN$55 per week as a junior with the Toronto Marlboros of the Ontario Hockey Association.
Source(s): Book: Straight Shooter: The Brad Park Story
1967-68 $1,446 $13,208
Amount in Canadian currency: $1,560.
Estimated earning of CAN$65 per week, based on documented earnings in 1965-66 and 1966-67, as a junior with the Toronto Marlboros of the Ontario Hockey Association.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1968-69 $14,500 $127,031
Signed a two-year, one-way contract with the New York Rangers for $20,000 over two years plus a $6,500 signing bonus. This was his first season in the NHL.
Source(s): Book: Straight Shooter: The Brad Park Story / The Sporting News
1969-70 $25,000 $207,674
Salary of $12,000 plus a $13,000 bonus.
Source(s): NY Times / The Sporting News / La Presse
1970-71 $30,000 $235,471
Prior to the season, signed a new contract for a salary between $30,000 and $35,000 plus bonuses.
Source(s): The Sporting News
1971-72 $25,000 $188,133
Source(s): Book: Straight Shooter: The Brad Park Story
1972-73 $200,000 $1,457,198
Signed a five-year contract with the New York Rangers for $200,000 per season. ($250,000 per season according to the book The California Golden Seals)
Source(s): NY Times / La Presse / Keith Magnuson: The Inspiring Life and Times of a Beloved Blackhawk / Book: The New York Rangers : Broadway's Longest Running Hit
1973-74 $200,000 $1,372,523
(Earned $250,000 according to La Presse.)
Source(s): NY Times / Keith Magnuson: The Inspiring Life and Times of a Beloved Blackhawk / Book: The New York Rangers : Broadway's Longest Running Hit
1974-75 $200,000 $1,235,855
Source(s): NY Times / Keith Magnuson: The Inspiring Life and Times of a Beloved Blackhawk / Book: The New York Rangers : Broadway's Longest Running Hit
1975-76 $200,000 $1,132,293
Source(s): NY Times / Keith Magnuson: The Inspiring Life and Times of a Beloved Blackhawk / Book: The New York Rangers : Broadway's Longest Running Hit / La Presse
1976-77 $200,000 $1,070,814
Source(s): NY Times / Keith Magnuson: The Inspiring Life and Times of a Beloved Blackhawk / Book: The New York Rangers : Broadway's Longest Running Hit
1977-78 $265,000 $1,332,214
Bases salary, not including bonuses, deferred payments and other extras. (Earned $250,000 according to the Globe and Mail.)
Source(s): The Gazette
1982-83 $300,000 $947,254
Source(s): Book: Straight Shooter: The Brad Park Story
1983-84 $350,000 $1,070,733
Source(s): The Sporting News
1984-85 $380,000 $1,114,613
$220,000 in salary and two pizza franchises valued at $80,000 each. He retired as a pro hockey player after the season. (Earned $350,000 according to the book The Road to Hockeytown, $300,000 according to The Sporting News, and $275,000 according to Mclean's.)
Source(s): The Globa and Mail
1985-86 $150,000 $424,886
As coach of the Detroit Red Wings. Signed 3-year contract as coach for $150,000 per season plus a $50,000 bonus per season if the team made the playoffs. Was fired after 45 games. The team did not make the playoffs in 1985-86 but made them in 1986-87 and 1987-88 while Park was still paid per his guaranteed contract. The Red Wings balked at paying the $100,000 bonus, went to court and per the court decision, they had to pay an undisclosed amount that Park deemed as fair.
Source(s): Book: Straight Shooter: The Brad Park Story
1986-87 $150,000 $416,978
1987-88 $150,000 $402,262
Career Total: US $2,843,173
(In today's dollars: US $12,770,334)

NHL Rank: 2389
(In today's dollars: 1344)