Kelly Miller
Hockey Fortune:
Kelly Miller’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $7,014,762 (US $14,811,971 in today's dollars), ranking #1591 in NHL / hockey career earnings.
Country of birth: USAPosition: LW
NHL Draft:
- Year: 1982
- Round #9
- Overall Pick: 183
- By: New York Rangers
Did you know that Gary Bettman has accumulated the largest NHL fortune with $176M? Info about the franchise value evolution and ownership history of NHL/hockey teams. |
Salary History - Kelly Miller All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted. |
Season | Earnings (US$) |
In today's US$ |
Rank |
1989-90 | $170,000 | $431,137 | 265 |
Source(s): Canadian Press | |||
1990-91 | $250,000 | $601,561 | 145 |
One-way contract. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News / Canadian Press | |||
1991-92 | $450,000 | $1,038,843 | 78 |
1992-93 | $440,000 | $985,861 | 156 |
Amount includes salary and any signing bonus paid in 1992-93. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News / La Presse | |||
1993-94 | $1,800,000 | $3,917,486 | 17 |
Prior to the season, signd a two-year contract with the Washington Capitals for $800,000 base salary and $1M signing bonis in 1993-94. Includes base salary and any signing bonus and deferred payments allocated to the 1993-94 season. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News | |||
1994-95 | $638,095 | $1,353,508 | 90 |
Because of the lockout, his NHL salary of $1,116,666 was prorated for the 48-game season. | |||
Source(s): Guide Hockey 1995-1996 | |||
1995-96 | $766,667 | $1,581,836 | 205 |
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1996-97 | $700,000 | $1,403,124 | 299 |
Source(s): La Presse / Guide Hockey RDS | |||
1997-98 | $900,000 | $1,762,771 | 239 |
Includes base salary, signing bonus and bonuses paid in 1997-98. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News | |||
1998-99 | $900,000 | $1,735,844 | 282 |
Includes base salary, signing bonus, bonuses paid in 1998-99, and deferred income paid in 1998-99. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News | |||
Career Total: US $7,014,762 (In today's dollars: US $14,811,971) NHL Rank: 1591 (In today's dollars: 1297) |