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Hockey Fortune: $48,652


Gilles Tremblay’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $48,652 (US $447,451 in today's dollars), ranking #6068 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: 18-Dec-38
Salary History - Gilles Tremblay
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1967-68 $19,884 $187,397
Amount in Canadian currency: $21,450 .
Earned a series of bonuses: CAN$1,000 for reaching second round of playoffs; $1,000 for over +10 against Eastern division teams; $1,000 for over +15; $1,000 for over 22 goals in the regular season; $1,000 discretionary bonus for contribution of power play and penalty kill; $2,250 from the NHL for finishing in 1st place; $7,500 from the NHL for winning the Stanley Cup; $1,000 from the team for finishing in 1st place; $2,000 from the team for winning the Stanley Cup; $1,000 from the team for the team winning the Vezina trophy; $700 for getting 7 points over 50 during the season and playoffs; and $2,000 discretioanry bonus.
Source(s): Copy of letler from Montreal General Manager
1968-69 $28,768 $260,053
Amount in Canadian currency: $31,000 .
Signed a one-year contract with the Montreal Canadiens for CAN$27,000. Bonuses: $1,000 for making 1st of 2nd All Star Team; $1,000 if Canadiens finish in 1st place; $1,00 0 if Canadiens win 1st playoff round; $1,000 if Canadiens win second playoff round; $1,000 if Canadiens win Stanley Cup; $1,000 if Canadiens win Vezina trophy; $1,000 if +25 or better; $1,000 if scores 24 or more goals in the regular season; $100 per point for every point over 55 in regular season and playoffs. The Canadiens finished in 1st place and won the Stanley Cup, earning him a bonus of $4,000. He did not earn the other bonuses. He retired from pro hockey after the season.
Source(s): Copy of contract
Career Total: US $48,652
(In today's dollars: US $447,451 )

NHL Rank: 6068
(In today's dollars: 5465)

Contract(s) (click to enlarge)