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Hockey Fortune: $6,760,760


Benoit Brunet’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $6,760,760 (US $13,067,536 in today's dollars), ranking #1623 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: August 24, 1968
Country of birth: Canada
Position: LW
NHL Draft:
Salary History - Benoit Brunet
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1990-91 $73,054 $175,786 581
Amount in Canadian currency: $85,244.
Two-way contract: CAN$135,000 in the NHL and CAN$50,000 in the minor leagues. Plus bonus for games played: CAN$10,000 at 30 games and an additional CAN$10,000 at 60 games. Played 17 NHL and 24 AHL games, earning a pro-rated salary of CAN$85,244. He played 35 NHL games between 1990 and 1992; 82 NHL games between 1990 and 1993 and possibly earned both bonuses depending on the terms of the contract.
Source(s): The Hockey News / Canadian Press
1991-92 $99,304 $229,247 584
Amount in Canadian currency: $113,750.
Played 18 NHL and 10 AHL games. Assuming that he had the same two-way contract as in 1990-91, he earned a pro-rated salary of CAN$113,750.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1992-93 $173,670 $389,124 641
Amount in Canadian currency: $210,000.
Amount includes salary and any signing bonus paid in 1992-93.
Source(s): The Hockey News / La Presse
1993-94 $282,875 $615,644 435
Amount in Canadian currency: $365,000.
1994-95 $156,857 $332,721 553
Amount in Canadian currency: $375,000.
Because of the lockout, his NHL salary of $375,000 was prorated for the 48-game season.
Source(s): Guide Hockey 1995-1996
1995-96 $500,000 $1,031,631 350
Source(s): La Presse
1996-97 $560,000 $1,122,499 390
Source(s): La Presse / Guide Hockey RDS
1997-98 $615,000 $1,204,560 387
Includes base salary, signing bonus and bonuses paid in 1997-98.
Source(s): The Hockey News
1998-99 $1,000,000 $1,928,716 244
Includes base salary, signing bonus, bonuses paid in 1998-99, and deferred income paid in 1998-99.
Source(s): The Hockey News
1999-00 $1,100,000 $2,076,120 242
Includes base salary, signing/reporting bonus, and deferred income paid in 1999-2000.
Source(s): The Hockey News / The Sports Forecaster
2000-01 $1,100,000 $2,008,362 262
Includes base salary, bonuses paid in 2000-01, and deferred income paid in 2000-01.
Source(s): The Hockey News / The Hockey News Ultimate Fantasy Guide 2000-01
2001-02 $1,100,000 $1,953,126 305
Retired from pro-hockey after the season.
Career Total: US $6,760,760
(In today's dollars: US $13,067,536)

NHL Rank: 1623
(In today's dollars: 1397)