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Hockey Fortune: $516,308


Jim McKenny’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $516,308 (US $2,951,408 in today's dollars), ranking #4568 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: 1-Dec-46
Country of birth: Canada
Position: D
NHL Draft:
Salary History - Jim McKenny
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1966-67 $12,992 $125,876
Amount in Canadian currency: $14,000 .
Prior to the season, signed a two-year contract with the Toronto Maple Leafs for a salary of $7,000 and $8,000 plus a $7,000 signing bonus.
Source(s): Book: '67
1967-68 $7,416 $69,892
Amount in Canadian currency: $8,000 .
Source(s): Book: '67
1974-75 $102,200 $651,626
Amount in Canadian currency: $100,000 .
Prior to the season, signed a five-year contract with the Toronto Maple Leafs for C $100,000 per season.
Source(s): The Hockey News
1975-76 $98,300 $574,239
Amount in Canadian currency: $100,000 .
Source(s): The Hockey News
1976-77 $101,400 $560,186
Amount in Canadian currency: $100,000 .
Source(s): The Hockey News
1977-78 $94,000 $487,603
Amount in Canadian currency: $100,000 .
Source(s): The Hockey News
1978-79 $100,000 $481,987
Retired as a player after the season.
Source(s): The Hockey News
Career Total: US $516,308
(In today's dollars: US $2,951,408 )

NHL Rank: 4568
(In today's dollars: 3014)