Bob Berry
Hockey Fortune:
Bob Berry’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $81,100 (US $256,002 in today's dollars), ranking #5846 in NHL / hockey career earnings.
Birthdate: November 29, 1943Country of birth: Canada
Position: LW
Did you know that Gary Bettman has accumulated the largest NHL fortune with $167M? Info about the franchise value evolution and ownership history of NHL/hockey teams. |
Salary History - Bob Berry All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted. |
Season | Earnings (US$) |
In today's US$ |
Rank |
1983-84 | $81,100 | $256,002 | |
Amount in Canadian currency: $100,000 . | |||
Was fired February 24, 1984, 63 games into the season. Had a clause in his contract guaranteering a C $20,000 bonus if the team won the Stanley Cup. After being fired, it was confirmed that he would get the bonus anyway if the team won, which it didn't. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
1984-85 | $0 | $0 | |
In June 1984, signed a contract as coach of the Pittsburgh Penguins for an unknown salary estimated to be less than $100,000. | |||
Source(s): La Presse | |||
Career Total: US $81,100 (In today's dollars: US $256,002 ) NHL Rank: 5846 (In today's dollars: 5924) |