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Hockey Fortune: $127,115


Marcel Pronovost’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $127,115 (US $1,081,830 in today's dollars), ranking #5616 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: June 15, 1930
Salary History - Marcel Pronovost
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1966-67 $43,616 $422,585
Amount in Canadian currency: $47,000 .
Salary of $32,000 pus $15,000 bonus for winning the Stanley Cup.
Source(s): Book: '67
1969-70 $19,339 $165,763
Amount in Canadian currency: $20,817 .
Signed a one-year, two-way contract with the Toronto Maple Leads for CAN$27,000 in the NHL and CAN$20,000 in the minors. Played 7 games in the NHL and 53 games in the AHL, earning a pro-rated salary of $ 20,817.
Source(s): Copy of contract
1970-71 $19,160 $155,175
Amount in Canadian currency: $20,000 .
Estimated salary based on 1969-70 contract as he played the whole season in the AHL and then retired as a pro hockey player.
Source(s): HockeyZonePlus
1972-73 $45,000 $338,307
As coach of the Chicago Cougars of the World Hockey Association
Source(s): Book: Blue Lines, Goal Lines & Bottom Lines
Career Total: US $127,115
(In today's dollars: US $1,081,830 )

NHL Rank: 5616
(In today's dollars: 4186)

Contract(s) (click to enlarge)