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Hockey Fortune: $1,043


Len Broderick’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $1,043 (US $11,674 in today's dollars), ranking #6476 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: 11-Oct-38
Country of birth: Canada
Position: G
Salary History - Len Broderick
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1957-58 $1,043 $11,674
Amount in Canadian currency: $1,000 .
As the visiting team's backup goalie at Toronto Maple Leafs games, was paid $25 for each of the 35 home game to be in the arena at the ready. In early November, he had to replace Montreal Canadien's Jacques Plante who was sick and earned $150 for the game. Earned $850 to be in the stands for 34 games and $150 for replacing Jacques Plante. Never played again in the NHL.
Source(s): Book: One Night Only / Book: Jacques Plante
Career Total: US $1,043
(In today's dollars: US $11,674 )

NHL Rank: 6476
(In today's dollars: 6479)