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Hockey Fortune: $75,000


Lane Lambert’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $75,000 (US $226,993 in today's dollars), ranking #5880 in NHL / hockey career earnings. Currently under contract for US $0 for a projected hockey fortune of US $75,000 .

Birthdate: November 18, 1964
Country of birth: Canada
Position: RW
NHL Draft:
Salary History - Lane Lambert
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1984-85 $75,000 $226,993
Source(s): Book: The Road to Hockeytown
2022-23 $0 $0 1471
Prior to the season, signed a three-year plus one option year contract as coach of the New York Islanders for an undisclosed salary.
Source(s): Pierre LeBrun
2023-24 $0 $0 1316
As coach of the New York Islanders.
Source(s): Pierre LeBrun
2024-25 $0 $0 1246
As coach of the New York Islanders.
Source(s): Pierre LeBrun
Career Total: US $75,000
(In today's dollars: US $226,993 )

NHL Rank: 5880
(In today's dollars: 6006)
Under Contract
2025-26 $0
As coach of the New York Islanders.
Source(s): Pierre LeBrun
Under contract for: US $0

Projected fortune at end of contract: US $75,000