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Hockey Fortune: $302,200


John McKenzie’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $302,200 (US $2,111,528 in today's dollars), ranking #5077 in NHL / hockey career earnings.

Birthdate: 12-Dec-37
Country of birth: Canada
Position: RW
Salary History - John McKenzie
All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted.
Season   Earnings
In today's
1972-73 $100,000 $751,793
Prior to the season, signed a three-year contract as player-coach of the Philadelphia Blazers of the World Hockey Association for $100,000 per year. After winning only 2 of the first 13 games, he stepped down as coach and remained as a player only.
Source(s): La Presse / Book: Professional Hockey in Philadelphia: A History / The Hockey News
1973-74 $100,000 $708,108
Amount in Canadian currency: $100,000 .
Prior to the season, signed a three-year contract with the Vancouver Blazers of the World Hockey Association for $100,000 per year plus a new car annually and a down payment on a house.
Source(s): The Sporting News / The New York Times
1974-75 $102,200 $651,626
Amount in Canadian currency: $100,000 .
With the Vancouver Blazers of the World Hockey Association.
Source(s): The Sporting News / The New York Times
Career Total: US $302,200
(In today's dollars: US $2,111,528 )

NHL Rank: 5077
(In today's dollars: 3445)