Gary Simmons
Hockey Fortune:
Gary Simmons’s net worth / earnings / salary history: Earned US $285,000 (US $1,569,021 in today's dollars), ranking #5117 in NHL / hockey career earnings.
Birthdate: 19-Jul-44Country of birth: Canada
Position: G
Did you know that Gary Bettman has accumulated the largest NHL fortune with $167M? Info about the franchise value evolution and ownership history of NHL/hockey teams. |
Salary History - Gary Simmons All amounts in US$ unless otherwise noted. |
Season | Earnings (US$) |
In today's US$ |
Rank |
1974-75 | $50,000 | $318,799 | |
Prior to the season, as a free agent, signed a three-year contract with the California Golden Seals for $150,000. This was his first season in the NHL. | |||
Source(s): Book: The California Golden Seals | |||
1975-76 | $50,000 | $292,085 | |
Source(s): Book: The California Golden Seals | |||
1976-77 | $50,000 | $276,226 | |
Source(s): Book: The California Golden Seals | |||
1977-78 | $85,000 | $440,917 | |
Base salary, not including bonuses, deferred payments and other extras. Never played in the NHL again, retiring after 5 AHL games in 1978-79. | |||
Source(s): The Gazette / Globe and Mail | |||
1978-79 | $50,000 | $240,993 | |
The Los Angeles Kings bought out the last year of his contract for more than half of his $90,000 salary. Played 5 games in the AHL and never played pro hockey again. | |||
Source(s): The Hockey News | |||
Career Total: US $285,000 (In today's dollars: US $1,569,021 ) NHL Rank: 5117 (In today's dollars: 3869) |